Minnesotans are proud and have strong values.   We have deeply held beliefs, strong family and community ties, and we love where we live.   We listen to each other debate, participate in the process and expect a fair outcome. We want everyone to exercise their right to free speech, to weigh in on important issues and most importantly, have a safe working environment.

That’s why we’re taking a stand for Respect Minnesota.

  • We pledge to listen to one another and look for common ground.
  • We pledge to be inclusive, and accountable for our words and actions.
  • We pledge to respect our beautiful Minnesota environment and each other.

Signing on to Respect Minnesota is taking a stand for the way we do things here in Minnesota, respectfully and collaboratively.

  • I support free speech and a safe environment for everyone.
  • I will listen, be inclusive and look for common ground.
  • I will respect others, our natural environment, and local communities.
  • I will respect the cultural heritage and history of Indigenous people.
  • I will be accountable for my words and actions and abide by the law.

Let's move forward together.

Respect Minnesota