Pledge To Be An Energy Voter
With the right leadership and vision, we can ensure all Americans benefit from our nation’s emergence as an energy leader. It’s time to fulfill our bright energy future; it’s time to vote for candidates that support Local 798 jobs and the work that we do.
Join Local 798 by signing the petition and becoming an Energy Voter.
I understand the urgent need for clean, affordable and domestically sourced energy in my community, across my state and in throughout the nation. That is why I stand with political candidates and elected officials who show their support for an energy pipeline network that will safely and efficiently transport the nation’s abundant supply of domestic natural gas and oil supplies.
America is leading the world in oil and natural gas production. Working together, we can do even more. Producing, refining and transporting more domestic oil and natural gas will mean more abundant energy – and that means more affordable energy for American families and businesses.
We know there is enough potential domestic energy to serve all residential, business and industrial needs across the country. Yet, support for critical energy infrastructure is lacking among our political leaders.
To support my livelihood, my family and my community, I will enter the voting booth informed about how political leaders stand on the issue of energy infrastructure development. I will do my part to help elect leaders who recognize the tremendous benefits of and need to grow our energy transportation network and who support the union workforce that will build it.
American Energy Industry Supporter
See who else has taken this action
Christopher Long
Justin Hellums
Case Farley
Eric Mayle
Ian Brogan
Jeffrey Mayle
Jarret Yacobucci
Pipeliners Local 798
Jeffery Smith
Jericho Christmas
Pipeliners Local 798
Brian Fillipowski
Pipeliners Local 798
Scott Parrot
Michele Shay
Michael Guillory
Scott Jarvis
Pipeliners Local 798
Brandon Brant
Pipeliners Local 798
Lidiia Zabrodina
Robert Malbouf
Tmydwn Albert
Denny Huggins
Joshua Borkowski
Daniel Auldridge
Devon Saahir
Mark Steriti
Paul Dowell
Pipeliners Local 798
Katherine Ransom
Pipeliners Local 798
Susan Taylor
Victoria Simmons
Daniel Whitley
Pipeliners Local 798
Debbie Glover
Bailey Tillman
Pipeliners Local 798