About the project

Driftwood proposes to construct and operate dual 42-inch-diameter natural gas pipelines, referred to as the Line 200 and Line 300 project, originating near Ragley in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana southward to a proposed receiver facility near Carlyss in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. Additional facilities include one new compressor station, eleven meter stations, six mainline valves, and other aboveground facilities. The project would provide a maximum seasonal capacity of 5.7 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day to the Lake Charles market. 

FERC is accepting public comments on the project's draft Environmental Impact Statement through July 5, 2022.

Click here to view the project website.



Shannon Mears |
commented 2024-08-21 13:23:47 -0500

Been in the trades for almost 30 years.

Highly experienced and highly respected rig welder in Nashville area! Always looking for good work and competitive wages!

Tig/mig/stick uphill and downhill all process’s and procedures!

[email protected]


Shannon Mears
Mike Stewart |
commented 2024-01-20 10:45:52 -0600
Worked in pipeline industry for over 25 years. Only union job was for Sheehan . We did the Golden Pass project from Texas to Louisiana in 07/08/09.I ran the pipe yard, skid trucks, and material yard when I got all of pipe layed.Pat Tobias was the spread man. Looking for anything in pipeline work. I drove lowboys all my life’s d was a fill in operator when needed. I’m 71 but still in pretty good shape and not ready to retire. Thanks in advance.
Patrick Washington |
commented 2024-01-09 13:38:02 -0600
My name is Patrick Washington and I would like to be a welders helper. My contact number is 318-499-2023 and I also attached my email. I’m a dedicated worker and have experience in working production, forklift, and laborer. Thank you.
Corey Shows |
commented 2024-01-06 15:52:51 -0600
Miklo Sierra |
commented 2024-01-04 21:08:34 -0600
19 year old looking for an opportunity to get into the lines and get to working have some experience not much willing to learn whatever it is thats needed just looking to make a living
Felipe Gonzalez |
commented 2024-01-04 21:06:43 -0600
Currently looking for work to make a living
Corey Shows |
commented 2024-01-04 16:19:14 -0600
Bill Froehle |
commented 2023-08-22 16:00:56 -0500
Our national security depends on our energy independence. Our energy independence depends on our pipelines. Our pipelines are old and outdated and need to be replaced.
David Fournier |
commented 2023-08-15 19:37:35 -0500
I’m tired and frustrated with our elected officials that truly have no idea how an extension cord works!

LNG is our cleanest environmental option.
Robert Lind |
commented 2023-03-24 08:18:42 -0500
Make Pipelining a priority and get this project going!
Dan Holmes |
commented 2022-11-02 14:45:28 -0500
Let’s All work together to get our Country back to being ENERGY INDEPENDENT.

Phillip Mccann | Pipeliners Local 798
commented 2022-07-28 00:41:03 -0500
Lay Pipe
Case Taylor | Pipeliners Local 798
commented 2022-07-10 16:05:14 -0500
Been helping non union for about 5 years and I want to see what the union has to offer.
Kathleen (Taffi) Reidl | Pipeliners Local 798
commented 2022-05-31 14:35:59 -0500
Let’s do it!
Lenny Cordova | Pipeliners Local 798
commented 2022-01-13 15:07:17 -0600
Lenny Cordova for Driftwood Pipeline
Christopher Bogovich | Pipeliners Local 798
commented 2021-12-08 08:38:27 -0600