We Will Submit Our Letter on July 21: Sign Now

WhiteWater Midstream, LLC’s Matterhorn Express Pipeline is seeking permits necessary to begin service in late 2024. This is a significant investment in Texas' natural gas network: an approximately 490-mile, 42-inch intrastate pipeline designed to transport up to 2.5 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of natural gas from the Permian Basin to the Katy area near Houston, Texas.

The company's interest in hiring union workers for Matterhorn Express is currently unclear. As this project moves through the permitting process, it's important that we send a message to WhiteWater Midstream leadership of the importance of hiring union workers - particularly Local 798 members - as well as the tremendous efforts our members and supporters consistently put forth to advocate for pipeline projects.

We submitted the below letter with more than 1,500 signatures on July 21, 2022 to WhiteWater Chief Executive Officer Christer Rundolf telling him to look to union members to work on Matterhorn Express. We will continue to collect signatures in anticipation of future conversations with company leadership.

Dear Mr. Rundolf:

As a community member concerned with the safety and quality of energy infrastructure, my hope is that you will consider using union craftsmen, particularly members of Pipeliners Local 798, to construct the Matterhorn Express Pipeline. Local 798 represents thousands of the best workers in this industry, more than 1,000 of whom live and work in Texas. 

Local 798 has generations of experience constructing quality infrastructure that connects communities to critical energy resources. These projects include Enbridge's Line 3 Replacement Project, the Mountain Valley Pipeline, Nexus Pipeline, among numerous others. I can assure you there is no better team to construct the Matterhorn Express Pipeline than Local 798. 

I understand that hiring contractors working with unions can increase your initial bottom line. However, I believe you can agree that a price tag cannot be placed on quality, safety and professionalism. Local 798 has a strong track record of fostering safe workplaces, protecting the environment and building strong communities in the places that intersect their projects. 

Local 798 also has an impressive record of orchestrating advocacy campaigns for pipeline projects. Since launching the American Pipeline Action Network in 2017, members have driven tens of thousands of fellow members and industry supporters to sign petitions, contact elected officials and regulators and take other actions to support important infrastructure projects and to influence legislation impacting their livelihood.

The Matterhorn Express Pipeline project provides critical opportunities for union craftsmen right here in Texas who depend on these jobs to provide for their families. If given the opportunity, Local 798 will help build a safe and environmentally protective pipeline. Please trust in their abilities and the benefits that can be realized by extending a hand to Local 798.


[Names below] 

1,546 signatures

See who else has taken this action

  • Taryn Hime

  • Valerie Whitlow

  • Fred Claus

  • Kenny Hale

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Amos Ashby

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Michael Workman

  • Michael Workman

  • Robert Brown

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Jacob Johnson

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Neil Harper

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • marcus brown

  • Grove Ricchard

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Roy Lorrens

  • Jules Cazalas

  • James Edwards

  • Jerry Tomlinson

  • David Ashby

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Saray Reyes

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Donald Oaks

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Larry Arp

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Katherine Ransom

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Phillip Mccann

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Nicholas Quinn

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • David Gray

  • Robert Noyes

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Jason Harris

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Joe Noggle

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Larry H Edwards

  • Johnny Scoggins

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Jim Martin