Michael Williams

  • signed SESE ferc petition via 2024-06-06 15:57:18 -0500

    Sign Our Petition to FERC

    Nearly 2,400 advocates signed this petition that we submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on June 6, 2024 to support the Williams' Southeast Supply Enhancement project during its public scoping comment period. THANK YOU to all who signed!

    This is a substantial expansion of the existing Transco pipeline’s system that would run from Virginia to Alabama, moving up to 1.5 billion cubic feet of methane gas per day. We will continue to collect signatures on this petition in anticipation of upcoming comment periods with our federal and state regulators. Be sure to add your name if you haven't!

    Dear [Official]:

    I stand with Pipeliners Local 798 in support of the Southeast Supply Enhancement project, a critical expansion of the natural gas infrastructure network in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and the first large-scale takeaway expansion to be announced in the area since the long-delayed Mountain Valley Pipeline.

    This system enhancement will help meet skyrocketing demands for affordable, reliable energy by moving more than 1.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day to its delivery network, a significant capacity increase that will be enough to power five or six new large, combined cycle plants and will ultimately move this domestically sourced gas to millions of American homes and businesses.

    Williams has long demonstrated its commitment to ensure thorough consultation and cooperation with state, local and federal regulatory agencies, as well as community stakeholders throughout the permitting process. This is of particular importance for large scale projects such as this and it includes working with community members and industry experts to identify potential environmental issues or concerns and then to potentially modify the project design to further minimize possible impacts.

    Below are just a few specific reasons why I support this project:

    • The expansion will add enough natural gas pipeline capacity to meet the needs of 8.6 million homes, enabling Transco to address the growing natural gas-fired power generation, commercial, residential and industrial demand in the mid-Atlantic and southeast United States.
    • The increase in pipeline capacity will encourage southern utilities to build new gas plants, opening the region to a generational investment in natural gas while strengthening grid reliability and driving down energy costs at a time when many families are struggling to handle their monthly bills.
    • More urgently, the project will create good jobs for skilled industry craftsmen in the region, many of whom are long-time members of Pipeliners Local 798, as well as provide an economic boost to communities along the route.

    The Southeast Supply Enhancement Project is poised to be a critical component of the region's energy infrastructure network – supporting good jobs, increasing access to domestically sourced natural gas and generating needed economic benefits. This is why I urge FERC and other agencies to issue necessary permits to ensure it remains on schedule.


    **By signing this petition, I agree to share my name on Pipeliners Local 798's submission(s) to federal and state decision makers in support of the Southeast Supply Enhancement project.**

  • commented on Mountain Valley 2022-07-06 08:30:42 -0500
    Love to Finish what I started Environmental Warrior can’t wait to come back Home

    Mountain Valley💪🏿ACP


    Mountain Valley

    About the project

    MVP received federal approval in June 2023. The U.S. Supreme Court ordered in August for construction on MVP to resume, granting a request to lift lower court orders that had halted the project and (again) delayed its completion.

    In April 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission amended Mountain Valley Pipeline's 2017 Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, supporting project completion under water bodies with specific construction methods. MVP, which is already 94% complete, still needs authorization from other agencies for work in remaining streams and wetlands.

    With a vast supply of natural gas from Marcellus and Utica shale production, MVP is expected to provide up to two million dekatherms per day of firm transmission capacity to markets in the Mid- and South Atlantic regions of the U.S.

    You can learn more about MVP on its project website.