Tell FERC You Support MVP
The Mountain Valley Pipeline Project supports thousands of good pipeline jobs, may belonging to Local 798 members. Sign our petition below telling FERC and other decision makers to issue necessary permits for this critical project.
I support the completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline project without delay. The recent stop work order will have significant negative impacts on the men and women working on the right of way, the local economies that seek to benefit from the project and access to reliable, abundant and domestic energy.
The concerns that led to the stop work order can be promptly addressed through additional review by the permitting agencies without causing unnecessary delay to the project. The information needed to reissue all necessary permits has already been provided during the comprehensive public comment period and review process. The FERC should reissue all required permits immediately.
Completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline is substantially impactful; providing up to two million dekatherms per day of firm transmission capacity to markets in the Mid- and South- Atlantic. Running 303 miles from northwestern West Virginia to southern Virginia, the project can support thousands of jobs across the nearly 20 counties it intersects, generate millions of dollars in additional annual tax revenue and extend the current reach of the existing transmission system so that millions more Americans can fuel their homes and business with cost-effective natural gas.
It is critical that this project continues to move forward so there is no delay in access to clean, domestically sourced energy in the Virginias through the expansion of the existing natural gas pipeline capacity. The delay to new pipelines to transport this energy will drastically slow down the natural gas industry. This will lead to less investment, job layoffs and a slash in taxes generated.
The stop work order is also a stop to a multi-billion-dollar investment in energy infrastructure, thousands of jobs and access to affordable, reliable, environmentally responsible and domestically produced energy. Communities across the project area will not be able to realize the benefits associated with MVP if the project cannot move forward and important resources cannot be delivered to markets throughout the region.
There is already an existing extensive public record and mitigation requirements in place. Please promptly reissue all necessary permits that will allow construction of MVP to continue.
See who else has taken this action
Dana Brumley
Brian Williams
Pipeliners Local 798
Michael Cunningham
Pipeliners Local 798
Samuel Laspata
Josh Skipper
Matthew Harper
Tracy Holt
Leslee Rhodes
James Jenkins
Redwing Company
Angela Arnold
Pipeliners Local 798
Britney French
Frank Corbin Hankins
Christian Graves
Jared Elliott
Pipeliners Local 798
Michelle Hill
Pipeliners Local 798
Charles Yates
Pipeliners Local 798 Central
Christina james
Bob Carpenter