Tell Regulators: It's Time to Complete MVP

An April 2023 ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit invalidated the West Virginia 401 certification for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), stalling the construction of the project once again. This blow followed an announcement in March of the federal court striking down a challenge to a 2021 decision by Virginia’s State Water Control Board and Department of Environmental Quality to grant MVP the critical stream-crossing permit. In addition to the 401 certification, the project still needs federal approvals from the U.S. Forest Service to cross a portion of the Jefferson National Forest and from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Sign our petition below telling decision makers: It's time to complete MVP! 

Dear Secretary:

I support the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and urge the swift approval of permits necessary for project completion.

MVP is a multi-billion-dollar investment in the region’s infrastructure network that has employed thousands of area craftsmen, many of whom are members of Pipeliners Local 798, a trades union that represents the nation's most dedicated and skilled industry workers. Once operational, MVP will be an immediately impactful part of the region’s energy infrastructure network, generating $10 million in annual property tax revenue in Virginia and providing key access to domestic supplies of affordable and reliable natural gas. 

MVP has been studied extensively by state and federal regulators and has earned key permits after thorough examination of the pipeline’s environmental impacts and commitment to safety. Project leaders continue to address concerns raised by environmentalists and government officials and has demonstrated a clear plan to finish construction once all necessary permits are in hand. MVP has also demonstrated its commitment to conservation by contributing $3.85 million to the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts to support state water quality protection, restoration and improvement priorities.

I urge the swift approval of all permits for the Mountain Valley Pipeline for the following reasons:

  • The MVP team has spent several years collaborating with state and federal agencies to develop plans to minimize environmental impacts. This work has resulted in hundreds of route modifications, many because of landowner requests, engineering considerations and efforts to avoid sensitive areas;
  • The project voluntarily purchased more than $150 million in carbon offsets, which will make MVP one of the first interstate natural gas pipelines to achieve carbon neutrality for its operational emissions;
  • MVP has already had a tremendous impact on state and local economies, putting 2,500 craftsmen to work during peak construction and generating critical economic activity in communities within the project footprint. Once operational, counties along the route are expected to receive an estimated $10 million annually in Virginia and $35 million annually in West Virginia;
  • Local communities will directly benefit from MVP, as Roanoke Gas Company and other local distributors will tap into this system to provide reliable energy to residents - namely in Franklin County, where there is currently zero access to natural gas - while making these areas more attractive for companies to relocate there;
  • Many of the wells drilled in the Marcellus and Utica shales lack the means to deliver natural gas to customers. It is critical that we prioritize clean, domestically sourced energy in the Virginias and support the expansion of the existing natural gas pipeline capacity through projects such as MVP.

Due to the reasons outlined above, I ask that you issue necessary permits for the Mountain Valley Pipeline without delay to ensure the long-delayed completion of this important natural gas project.


Mountain Valley Pipeline Project Supporter

**Local 798 submitted this petition with 2,761 signatures in 2021 to the Virginia DEQ during a comment period for Section 401 Water Quality Certification. 798 leadership may submit your name to other decision makers in support of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.**

3,587 signatures

See who else has taken this action

  • Nathan Lucas

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Deshun Blake

  • Owen Walters

  • Joe Orourke

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • John Glekler

  • Andrew Sivadon

  • Billy Collum

  • Billy Davis

  • Donovan Farrish

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Joseph Fink Sr

  • Miles Ballard

  • Jody Russell

  • Daniel Mendoza

  • Hamid Majeed

  • N Allan Teter

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Anthony Brumley

  • Andy Hess

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Racket Racket

  • Jerry Todd Swiney

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Jeffrey Pendleton

  • Daniel Johnson

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Nicholas Byley

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Michael Hartley

  • Jeremy Lee

  • Lanny Peavler

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Renee Smith

  • Deanna Orvis

  • Warren Jones

  • Arthur Chance

  • Robert Malbouf