Tell PADEP You Support PennEast
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) has opened a public comment period to collect comments on the proposed Chapter 102 and 105 Water Quality Certification Permits for the PennEast Pipeline through Luzerne, Carbon, Monroe, Northampton and Bucks Counties. Add your name to the letter we will submit to the PA DEP before the comment period ends on March 18!
Dear Secretary McDonnell:
I strongly support the PennEast pipeline, an environmentally responsible, multi-billion dollar investment in the economic and energy future of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and the Northeast region.
The proximity of shale gas has already enabled area residents to see reductions in gas prices, while decreasing our carbon footprint. Investment in infrastructure projects like PennEast is necessary in order to realize the full benefit of this shale gas boom. Had the PennEast Pipeline been in service in the winter of 2013/2014 for example, Pennsylvania electric and natural gas consumers would have saved $515 million, and the air quality would have been that much cleaner.
In July 2016, The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), concluding that PennEast would have “less than significant” environmental impact with the implementation of the proposed mitigation recommendations by FERC and the company. PennEast has demonstrated a commitment to following these recommendations, filing with FERC a total of 33 route modifications to further reduce impacts on endangered species and wetlands, increase co-location with existing rights-of-way and address feedback from project stakeholders. Project leaders are clearly committed to constructing this infrastructure in the safest and most efficient manner that respects the environment.
Specifically, I support PennEast Pipeline because the project is expected to:
- Contribute to decreasing carbon emissions in the region and improvement of air quality;
- Reduce electric and gas costs for families and businesses by utilizing clean-burning and domestically sourced energy;
- Generate more than $1.6 billion in short-term economic impact, followed by hundreds of millions in annual savings to electric and natural gas customers;
- Support more than 12,000 jobs, approximately 2,500 of which will be direct planning and construction jobs (a good portion going to Local 798 members).
I stand with Pipeliners Local 798 in requesting the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection issues the Chapter 102 and 105 permits for PennEast pipeline in a timely fashion. The people of Pennsylvania and New Jersey cannot afford further delay.
PennEast Pipeline Supporter
See who else has taken this action
Mary L. Pierce
joe orourke
Pipeliners Local 798
John Gadd
Mark Mcmanigle
Jason jarvis
Samuel Laspata
John Parker
Marshall Russell
Tracey Padgett
Derek Clark
Pipeliners Local 798