Support PHMSA's Rule Change!

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is collecting public comments on implementing the Gas Transmission Final Rule and the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Final Rule that were issued on October 1, 2019. A key part of the update is focused on investing in systems that ensure the safety of gas transmission pipelines – this will grow opportunities for the industry workforce, especially Union craftsmen like Local 798 members, who are known to follow the highest standards of safety.

Sign the petition below that we will submit before the public comment period ends March 27! **To educate the public more about the rule change, PHMSA has released draft frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers [click here to view].**

RE: Docket No. PHMSA-2019-0225

I stand with Pipeliners Local 798 in support of PHMSA’s revisions to federal pipeline safety regulations.

This update will improve the safety of our nation’s energy infrastructure by helping ensure pipeline operators continue investing in improvements to pipeline safety and integrity management. I am confident in these benefits, as the update has been reviewed and finalized through the Pipeline Safety Advisory Committee process, a forum that includes government officials, community members and industry experts.

Safety is a paramount priority for Local 798, as it spends hundreds of hours each year training its members, the nation’s most skilled and dedicated industry craftsmen, in all aspects of pipeline construction and welding safety. Driven by this commitment, Local 798 has generations of experience constructing quality infrastructure that connects consumers to critical energy resources across the country.

Upon reviewing the rules and FAQ’s, it is clear that PHMSA’s initiative reflects Local 798’s commitment to transparency and safety. A critical aspect of the rule change is the utilization of modern pipeline inspection technologies and the embracement of criteria based on reliable data and sound engineering principles.

I support PHMSA's rule change for the following reasons:

  • they will help ensure that natural gas and liquid pipeline operators are able to facilitate the use of new technologies and processes that will help to keep their operations safe for employees, surrounding communities and the environment;
  • members of the public deserve to know that the energy infrastructure in their communities is monitored and operated under strict federal guidelines;
  • technology should be embraced as a transformative tool to enhance the safety and efficiency of energy infrastructure;
  • key safety guidelines, such as requiring certain integrity assessments more frequently, will secure more jobs for the industry workforce, including many Local 798 members who are already highly-trained in pipeline safety.

A price tag cannot be placed on quality, safety and professionalism. This is why I stand with Local 798 in supporting the Gas Transmission Final Rule and the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Final Rule.


American Energy Supporter

2,885 signatures

See who else has taken this action

  • Taryn Hime

  • Fred Claus

  • Eli Combs

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Jeff Grove

  • lizardmama16

  • bruce boehm

  • Jared Baudoin

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Charles Yates

    Pipeliners Local 798 Central

  • Justin Wallace

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Cassidy Croley

  • Joseph Bigley

    Pipeliners Local 798