Sign our Letter to Senate Leadership

President Biden has nominated Sarah Bloom Raskin for Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, potentially giving her the power to set the agenda on bank regulation. Ms. Raskin, who previously served as a Fed governor, has consistently criticized the oil and gas industry, advocating for penalizing banks that serve fossil fuel companies and supporting financial regulation to steer capital from energy companies that put our craftsmen to work.

We submitted the below petition with more than 2,000 signatures on February 2nd telling the U.S. Senate to reject this nomination. We will continue to collect signatures, as there may be another opportunity soon to make our voice heard. Sign now!

Dear [Senator]:

I stand with Pipeliners Local 798, a trades union representing the nation’s most highly skilled and dedicated energy industry craftsmen, in urging you and your colleagues in the Senate to reject President Biden’s nomination of Sarah Bloom Raskin for the Federal Reserve Vice Chair.

Ms. Raskin’s extremist views should trouble all our nation’s leaders who care about a strong economic and energy future, and her direct discrimination against the hard-working men and women in the oil and natural gas industry is especially alarming. These livelihoods are directly threatened under the sweeping regulatory changes that Ms. Raskin supports, including the proposal to penalize banks for serving fossil fuel companies..

A particular concern is Ms. Raskin’s unfound view of the oil and gas industry as a “dying industry”. It was because of this belief that she urged the Fed in the early days of the Covid pandemic to deny assistance to the oil and gas industry – which employees hundreds of thousands of workers and ensures the safe delivery of reliable and affordable energy to American homes and businesses. If the Fed had taken her advice in 2020, several more oil and gas producers would have gone bankrupt, and energy prices would be even higher today.

The Federal Reserve Vice Chair is an incredibly powerful position, setting the agenda on bank regulation and thus impacting every corner of our economy and job outlook. Ms. Raskin has made it clear that she would use this power to steer lending in ways that could undermine financial stability by crippling some industries – namely the energy industry. This is why I stand with Local 798 in opposing Ms. Raskin’s nomination for the Fed Reserve.


[Names below]

2,417 signatures

See who else has taken this action

  • Darcy Blackmon

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Darcy Blackmon

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • John Tourangeau

  • James Thomas

  • Richard Shannon

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • John Bradford

  • Timothy Lester

  • Melinda Pagano

  • Ricky Gallagher

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • John Sweetin

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Oliver Frazier

  • Jeffrey Whitmore

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Ely Briar

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • David Salzgeber

  • Jordan Nofsinger

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • tina groves

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Michael Morrison

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • N Allan Teter

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Logan Snodgrass

  • Colby thornton

  • Jimmy Laminack

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • robert crocker

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Holley padilla

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Todd Hartle

    Pipeliners Local 798 Midwest

  • Shane Johnson

  • Gary Burrow

  • Andrew Barney

  • James G Johnson

  • Larry Odom

  • Mike Goolsby

    Pipeliners Local 798