Stand with the UA: Sign the American Jobs Plan Petition

The U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are negotiating the details of the American Jobs Plan, a substantial piece of legislation that is expected to include funding for a variety of projects, ideally leading to more jobs for the United Association.

ADD YOUR NAME to the below petition urging senators and other leaders to ensure this bill includes basic labor protections that will guarantee fair wages and benefits. Thank you for fighting to protect good jobs and wages! We will submit this petition with all signatures to UA President Mark McManus in a showing of solidarity, as well as to the appropriate government leaders.

**This petition includes suggested content from the United Association Take Action page.** 

I stand with the United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) in urging you to support the inclusion of strong labor protections on any federally funded infrastructure or energy project as part of the American Jobs Plan. These protections will help make sure workers will earn fair wages and benefits as they work to modernize our aging infrastructure with the highest safety and quality standards.

The following labor protections must be required on any energy project that receives federal funding, whether it be new or existing appropriations, tax incentives, or loan guarantees, in order to ensure workers earn a fair wage and that projects are done right the first time:

  • Davis-Bacon prevailing wage provisions;
  • Utilizing Registered Apprenticeships (like the UA's training programs);
  • ABC test to combat wage theft and worker misclassification;
  • Neutrality agreements;
  • Local hire provisions.

This massive investment in our infrastructure is a critical step towards building back better and jumpstarting an economic recovery for all Americans in the face of a deadly global pandemic. That's why it is so important for any legislation to include not only strong labor protections, but funding for more than just the traditional "roads and bridges" of infrastructure. Simply put, this infrastructure bill can - and should - create thousands of good-paying jobs for our brothers and sisters in the United Association.

We need strong investments in our nation's energy supply like hydrogen, carbon capture sequestration, new and existing nuclear power, and natural gas in addition to what you traditionally think of as infrastructure. The UA workforce is ready to get to work building new airports and hospitals, modernizing our water infrastructure, replacing lead pipes, retrofitting buildings and HVAC systems, and modernizing our fire protection and sprinkler systems. These are all good UA jobs that will not only put food on tables but will help bring our nation's aging infrastructure into the 21st Century.

Thank you for your leadership on this issue and for supporting strong labor protections in the base bill that will help UA members earn a fair wage and benefits.


[Signers Below]


1,606 signatures

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    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Grove Ricchard

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  • Casey Smith

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  • Shannon Tompkins

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Reginald Shears

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  • Clark Eastwood

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  • Tevan McDowell

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  • Lenny Cordova

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  • Lee Mason

  • Gordy Purull

  • Charles Blevins

  • Gary Loyd

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  • George Houston

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  • Darrell Glaze

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  • Mario Garcia

  • Rex Gregory

  • Timothy Drake

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Richard Kurtzhals

  • Jonathan Baker

  • Larry Myers

  • Robert Pugh

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Holley padilla

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Tommy Boulware

  • Lee Allen

  • Doug Winter

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Shannon Tilman

  • Stephen Morris

    Pipeliners Local 798

  • Jason Pope