Sign Our Willow Project Support Petition
The Willow Master Development Plan Project (Willow Project) is a critical energy project in the North Slope of Alaska from ConocoPhillips that is expected to generate billions of dollars in local, state and federal revenue and support 2,000 construction jobs and 300 permanent jobs – many going to Local 798 members.
In March 2023, the Biden Administration approved the project - and a federal judge upheld the approval later that year. The project likely faces legal challenges, however, that would stall construction. Sign our petition below supporting this important project as it faces more milestones ahead.
I commend the Biden Administration for showing its support for the Willow Master Development Plan Project (Willow Project), and I urge state and federal decision makers to follow suit to ensure swift approval of this critical project that will generate much-needed economic activity in Alaska, supply affordable, domestic energy and create good-paying jobs for the area workforce.
The project’s approval comes after years of analysis, significant public input, completion of the environmental impact statement (EIS) and biological opinion (BiOp) and consultation with cooperating agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Throughout every stage, the Willow Project has demonstrated its commitment to transparency, public involvement and environmental safety. The comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Supplement Draft EIS, for example, generated more than 31,000 submissions during comment periods and influenced ConocoPhillips to amend its application to modify its project design, including a change to incorporate a new module delivery option. In the end, the project’s final EIS, which consists of seven volumes and over 3,6000 pages, took more than two years and some six million dollars to draft, evaluate and finalize.
Project development would generate thousands of jobs for area craftsmen and produce substantial revenue for the federal government, State of Alaska, North Slope Borough and communities in the NPR-A.
I support the Willow Project due to the following key benefits:
- The infrastructure will generate a potential $10 billion dollars in federal, state and local economic activity over its lifetime;
- Project construction is expected to support 2,000 jobs, and operation will require approximately 300 permanent jobs, many of which will go to Local 798 members;
- The project is designed to produce approximately 586 million barrels of oil over its lifetime, including up to 160,000 barrels a day, helping to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil;
- The project has undergone rigorous review of potential environmental and ecological impacts. The Army Corps, in particular, found the Willow Project would “not cause significant” negative impacts.
The Biden Administration took the right step with its court filing in support of the Willow Project, and I urge other decision makers to issue necessary permits in a timely manner.
[Names below]
See who else has taken this action
Christopher Long
Eric Mayle
Ian Brogan
Frank Paglianite
Jeffrey Mayle
Jarret Yacobucci
Pipeliners Local 798
Jeffery Smith
Jericho Christmas
Pipeliners Local 798
Scott Parrot
Michele Shay
Scott Jarvis
Pipeliners Local 798
Brandon Brant
Pipeliners Local 798
Lidiia Zabrodina
Robert Malbouf
Logan Hill
Pipeliners Local 798
Denny Huggins
Joshua Borkowski
Daniel Hill
Pipeliners Local 798
gerald e martel
Daniel Auldridge
Randall Babcock
Devon Saahir
Mark Steriti
Max VanHorn
Jacob Morgan
Pipeliners Local 798
Paul Dowell
Pipeliners Local 798
Katherine Ransom
Pipeliners Local 798
Susan Taylor
David LeMonte
Victoria Simmons