Jason Margerum
Jason Margerum signed Energy Permitting Reform Act Letter via Phillip Wallace 2024-10-09 10:51:45 -0500
Sign Our Letter to Legislators
In July 2024, the US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee received strong bipartisan support for the Energy Permitting Reform Act (EPRA) of 2024, sponsored by Chairman Joe Manchin (I-WV) and Ranking Member John Barrasso (R-WY). This legislation, which will narrow the scope of review and streamline the approval process for infrastructure projects, advanced out of committee fewer than two weeks after it was introduced because lawmakers recognized how it is poised to play a critical role in supporting robust domestic energy development across the country - and ensuring good opportunities for our members.
We submitted the letter below with more than 2,300 signatures to congressional leadership in November 2024 supporting this critical bill. We will continue to collect signatures in anticipation of legislative discussions in the coming year.
RE: Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024
Dear [Official]:
I stand with Pipeliners Local 798, a trades union representing the nation’s most skilled and dedicated industry craftsmen, in supporting Chairman Joe Manchin and Ranking Member John Barrasso's sponsored Energy Permitting Reform Act (EPRA) of 2024. This legislation, which has already received strong bipartisan support, provides much-needed transparency and efficiency to a permitting system that has long been dogged with unnecessary and costly red tape.
As we have seen too many times, delays in infrastructure permitting increases costs, threatens jobs and halts critical economic activity in our communities. To be more specific, the current system's inefficiencies have costed billions of dollars in investments and tens of thousands of U.S. jobs - many of which belong to the men and women of the United Association who have played a central role in building America's infrastructure network.
I support the common-sense provisions outlined in the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 for the following specific reasons:
- Accelerates leasing and permitting decisions for energy projects on federal lands, helping to eliminate duplicative permit requirements and avoid long delays on critical project approvals;
- Requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to issue a rule on interregional transmission planning and cost allocation within 180 days of a bill's enactment, ensuring the review process remains focused on the details that move project approval forward;
- Helps to ensure that consistent domestic offshore energy development continues in the coming years by mandating lease sales for both traditional and renewable energy development;
- By making FERC the lead agency for conducting environmental reviews of transmission projects that are subject to the National Environmental Policy Act, this simplifies the backstop authority and streamlines otherwise stuttering approvals;
- Helps accelerate the benefits of nearly $2 trillion provided by Congress for investments in infrastructure and clean energy, ultimately supporting sustainable energy infrastructure development and maintenance.
On behalf of all industry craftsmen who have struggled to make a living while waiting for construction approvals for infrastructure projects, I am proud to support the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024. I understand there is much more work to be done to address the incredible constraints facing pipeline infrastructure, but this legislation is certainly a significant step in that direction. This is why I urge you and your colleagues to lend support to push this forward.
[Names below]
Sign Our Petition to the Army Corps
In November 2024, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources approved permits for Enbridge's Line 5 Straits Tunnel Project in the state. The project still needs another key permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - expected to issue its Environmental Impact Statement in 2025. Local 798 members are supportive of a comprehensive permitting process that ensures opportunity for review and comment, and we are hopeful that our regulators will find no reason to extend the timeline on this project's already thorough environmental impact analysis.
Join us in sending a message to the Army Corps in support of a swift review so construction can finally move forward!
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
St. Paul District, Regulatory Division
332 Minnesota Street, Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101Reference No. MVP-2020-00260-WMS; Application submitted pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
Dear Secretary:
I stand with Pipeliners Local 798 in supporting Enbridge's Line 5 Relocation Project's repositioning of its route outside the Bad River Indian Reservation. Enbridge has already repeatedly demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of safety and environmental responsibility throughout its permitting process for the project, including providing extensive opportunities for review and comment.
Below are just a few specific reasons why I believe the Line 5 Relocation Project deserves approval from the Army Corps and other decision makers:
- Enbridge has never wavered from its transparent decision making process, consistently involving community leaders and stakeholders in discussions regarding the project route and operation plans. To this end, Enbridge reached community easement agreements following thorough discussions with landowners along the proposed new Line 5 route outside the Bad River Reservation in Wisconsin;
- The project includes a route specifically designed to avoid culturally sensitive areas, such as Copper Falls State Park;
- While developing the Relocation Project, Enbridge specifically studied potential erosion risks and is planning stringent mitigation measures;
- The Line 5 Relocation Project will create good jobs for the local workforce, many of whom include Local 798 members - the most highly trained and dedicated pipeliners in the nation.
The company has continued to work closely with landowners, tribal leaders and safety experts to ensure the safest and most efficient pipeline operation. This consideration of best practices is what led Enbridge to plan the Relocation Project from the beginning. All of these above reasons highlight why I request that the Army Corps approves necessary permits for this project without any delay.
[Names Below]
**Local 798 may submit this petition to state and federal regulators and other decision makers to support Line 5. Earlier this summer, in just under two weeks, our members collected more than 1,500 signatures on the below comment that we submitted on July 5 to the Army Corps before the comment period was originally slated to end on the EA. You can view this submission at this link. In the weeks that followed, we collected several hundred more signatures to submit before the extended comment period concluded on August 30. Any signature collected after 5:00 am CDT on August 30 may be included in future submissions to support this project.**
Sign Our Petition to FERC
In October 2024, Williams Companies filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Southeast Supply Enhancement Project, a substantial expansion of the existing Transco pipeline’s system.
Nearly 2,400 advocates signed our petition below that we submitted to FERC on June 6, 2024 to support this project during its public scoping comment period. We will continue to collect signatures in anticipation of upcoming comment periods with our federal and state regulators. Be sure to add your name!
Dear [Official]:
I stand with Pipeliners Local 798 in support of the Southeast Supply Enhancement project, a critical expansion of the natural gas infrastructure network in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and the first large-scale takeaway expansion to be announced in the area since the long-delayed Mountain Valley Pipeline.
This system enhancement will help meet skyrocketing demands for affordable, reliable energy by moving more than 1.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day to its delivery network, a significant capacity increase that will be enough to power five or six new large, combined cycle plants and will ultimately move this domestically sourced gas to millions of American homes and businesses.
Williams has long demonstrated its commitment to ensure thorough consultation and cooperation with state, local and federal regulatory agencies, as well as community stakeholders throughout the permitting process. This is of particular importance for large scale projects such as this and it includes working with community members and industry experts to identify potential environmental issues or concerns and then to potentially modify the project design to further minimize possible impacts.
Below are just a few specific reasons why I support this project:
- The expansion will add enough natural gas pipeline capacity to meet the needs of 8.6 million homes, enabling Transco to address the growing natural gas-fired power generation, commercial, residential and industrial demand in the mid-Atlantic and southeast United States.
- The increase in pipeline capacity will encourage southern utilities to build new gas plants, opening the region to a generational investment in natural gas while strengthening grid reliability and driving down energy costs at a time when many families are struggling to handle their monthly bills.
- More urgently, the project will create good jobs for skilled industry craftsmen in the region, many of whom are long-time members of Pipeliners Local 798, as well as provide an economic boost to communities along the route.
The Southeast Supply Enhancement Project is poised to be a critical component of the region's energy infrastructure network – supporting good jobs, increasing access to domestically sourced natural gas and generating needed economic benefits. This is why I urge FERC and other agencies to issue necessary permits to ensure it remains on schedule.
**By signing this petition, I agree to share my name on Pipeliners Local 798's submission(s) to federal and state decision makers in support of the Southeast Supply Enhancement project.**
Jason Margerum signed MVP Southgate Pipeline Petition via Local 798 Facebook 2024-01-11 05:53:53 -0600
Sign our Project Support Petition
In December 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved a three-year extension for Mountain Valley Pipeline to build a planned offshoot of its main natural gas pipeline - MVP Southgate - that would run from Pittsylvania County to North Carolina. Before construction on the extension can start, FERC needs to issue a notice to proceed after confirming the project has received all state and federal permits it needs. Two state permits, an air permit from Virginia and a water permit from North Carolina, are still outstanding.
Thousands of jobs are on the line with Southgate! Sign the below petition that we will submit to the appropriate decision makers during upcoming comment periods.
Dear [Official]:
I join Pipeliners Local 798 in urging FERC and other decision makers to approve Mountain Valley’s proposed Southgate Pipeline Project. This is an approximate $468 million investment in the economic and energy future of Virginia and North Carolina that will put local craftsmen to work, many of whom are highly-trained members of Local 798.
The Southgate Pipeline Project is critical to meet the substantial and growing need for natural gas in the region. PSNC Energy, a local distribution company serving central North Carolina, has already signed a long-term contract to receive natural gas from the pipeline in order to help serve its customers, including approximately 100,000 new natural gas customers it has added over the past decade. Delay in project approval would be particularly devastating to these customers.
I support the swift approval of Southgate due to the project’s following benefits:
- inject $68 million directly into Virginia and $113 million into North Carolina’s economy;
- support 570 jobs in Virginia and 1,130 jobs in North Carolina, many belonging to Local 798 members;
- generate $10.4 million in tax revenue across the two states during construction, and, once operational, it will generate an estimated $4.6 million across the project areas;
- help meet the growing need for natural gas in the region by transporting 375M cf/day to markets that need reliable energy; including the approximate 100,000 new natural gas customers served by PSNC Energy.
Safety and environmental integrity are central priorities at Local 798, which is why we do not offer support lightly. FERC staff stated that the project's potential adverse environmental impacts would be reduced to “less-than-significant levels" through implementation of its recommendations. The Pipeline Project team has demonstrated a commitment to this goal by making 191 route adjustments in response to feedback collected during the pre-filing process.
These alteration were made to protect streams, wetlands and cultural resources, as well as to minimize – or avoid – potential impacts to sensitive areas. Key changes included the reduction in the temporary right-of-way width at wetland and waterbody crossings, and a proposal based on recommendations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to cross Cascade Creek, Wolf Island Creek and Deep Creek via conventional bore.
The pipeline will also be monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year using sophisticated computerized systems and around-the-clock personnel. This regular monitoring will ensure pipeline integrity.
This project will help make a reliable supply of natural gas available for residents in the region, create thousands of jobs for the local workforce and generate millions of dollars in tax revenue, all while respecting the environment. This is why I ask that you issue necessary approvals for the MVP Southgate Project without delay.
[Names below]
*PLEASE NOTE: Local 798 submitted this comment below to FERC in September 2019 during its comment period for the Southgate Project's Environmental Impact Statement. We may submit your signature to state and federal regulatory bodies, as well as elected officials to support the project.
Pledge To Be An Energy Voter
With the right leadership and vision, we can ensure all Americans benefit from our nation’s emergence as an energy leader. It’s time to fulfill our bright energy future; it’s time to vote for candidates that support Local 798 jobs and the work that we do.
Join Local 798 by signing the petition and becoming an Energy Voter.
I understand the urgent need for clean, affordable and domestically sourced energy in my community, across my state and in throughout the nation. That is why I stand with political candidates and elected officials who show their support for an energy pipeline network that will safely and efficiently transport the nation’s abundant supply of domestic natural gas and oil supplies.
America is leading the world in oil and natural gas production. Working together, we can do even more. Producing, refining and transporting more domestic oil and natural gas will mean more abundant energy – and that means more affordable energy for American families and businesses.
We know there is enough potential domestic energy to serve all residential, business and industrial needs across the country. Yet, support for critical energy infrastructure is lacking among our political leaders.
To support my livelihood, my family and my community, I will enter the voting booth informed about how political leaders stand on the issue of energy infrastructure development. I will do my part to help elect leaders who recognize the tremendous benefits of and need to grow our energy transportation network and who support the union workforce that will build it.
American Energy Industry Supporter

Jason Margerum 1097sc